Thursday, March 5, 2009

Democracy and Love.

Love is the most beautiful thing on earth. By love, I do not mean about love between parents or siblings but purely and simply between a man and a women. I am not knowledgeable about the love between a man and man or for that matter lesbian love but I understand that the emotions would remain the same.

Parental love is more or less undemocratic sort of love. We are born into a house and we are raised by our parents, grow among our siblings and relatives. I am grateful to all of them but then, we don't have a choice. We are born into a particular family and thats it. We have somehow becomes used to the habbit or idea of loving them. Period.

On the other had, when a man loves a woman or vice-versa, the love is of a different kind altogether. It is the most wonderful kind of love since we get to choose the person. Isn't it wonderful? Think of it hard and long. Someone choosing us for who we are and that we become an important part of their life, their dreams, their aspirations. A whole world of thoughts and ideas revolve around two people in the state of love. And the feeling is shared mutually. Choice. Democracy. Here we are at it again.

There are a whole host of reasons when one chooses most other things in life. We look for a certain perfection, a certain standard, a certain denomination of things. We would not want anything lesser. But love can shatter that feeling altogetherly. Most of our soul mates wouldn't be perfect beings of creation. Most of them haven't got drop dead good looks or model like features. But we still think and tell them that they are the most beautiful in the world. Not that we are lying. Just that we want to believe so. Blind love or what! But then really, there are atleast a hundred faces more beautiful than your beloved. is a democratic institution. We have the choice to love the person for whatever reasons but mostly for no reasons at all. Even under societal and other pressures!

We expect a lot a trash from everything and anything in life. Return on investments. If you love only in order to be loved back - this is narcissistic love. Loving someone is not dependent upon emotional reciprocity. We can change the person we love or accept them as they are to us. There we go again on freedom of expression. Part of democracy!!

Isn't there a strong resemblance between love and democracy. Love gives us the right to choose someone irrespective of their background, caste, creed, religion and even their quality. We are also free to choose the person we love and have the right to express our feelings to them. So much like democracy naa??

Isn't it then important to choose democracy over everything else? And do something to preserve it's existence. Then why do we sit in the solid confinement of our house while elections take place?? India is as good as country to be loved as any other nation. Doesn't it require our cohesive love? So what if our country has plentiful of problems? Shall we stop to love it? Or go out to vote so that we can atleast change something? Do we have to expect anything in return for it? Nope.

Democracy is like love. And love is like democracy. Love ke liye kuch bhi karega. Put your votes. India requires our love!!!