Like many careers, extortion is as self-respecting a career as can be. It never really got the respect that it deserved. All other factions of criminal activities have their desired effect on the society. But extortion has been misunderstood and greatly repelled by people. It is not as ingrained in our brain, one form of job where a person or a group of people throw fear into another person or group of people. Extortion has all the real elements of a real job. An extortioner has to carefully choose his target; among a wide range of people. Then he has to be capable of understanding the target genre, his profession, his income level, etc. It is only later that our beloved hero would call his target for money. There is always the added threat from competition and the police. But the payoffs can be good for all the risks taken. But then-why have extortioners not been able to command the sort of respect or fear like their mafia counterparts? Even though, many extortioners diversify into other activities or they take greater challenges. Maybe because, extortion is a permission based activity. Even though it may look like coercion. You call a person and ask him to pay instead of robbing or stealing from him. Unlike most things in life, manners don't count in this form of trade. Society likes to get robbed, destroyed, devasted to wake-up. Most form of successful activities are about that only-robbing, stealing, stabbing. It is a fine art. More on that later......
The paradox of insular language
1 year ago