Thursday, January 1, 2009


I don't know where the tide flows nor do I know where the wind blows. I don't know what is good nor do I know where I would be persuaded to. Crime is there in all of us. It has just to be nurtured. We are much more fascinated by murders, frauds, scams, evils than we are by the good deeds done by some. Crime is much more than a simple act of good versus bad. It is also about our innate desire to do get away from the clutches of the society. To break it's rules and disband it's ideals. When somebody does it for us, we are astounded. Actually, each one of us has the propensity of commit a crime. Only few of us have the gumption to exercise the act. Imagine a world where the rules of the society don't innhabit. Or imagine, if we wouldn't be caught doing something. Wouldn't we jump traffic rules, stop paying taxes or better still-loot a bank? For most of us,the answer is a resounding yes. Crime starts in our mind. Then the question does not remain about good or bad any longer. It then becomes a question about something else. Just pure guts! Criminals have similar brain conditions like a chess playing grandmaster, rush of blood like an Olympian and the skill sets of a business tycoon. What sets them apart is the part they play in society and their wish to be different, noticeable and individualistic. Criminals can in way move a society forward. New systems, defence mechanisms, superior technology have all been possible thanks to the crimes committed by equally committed people to their cause. Hackers brought in better guarding tools,murderers brought transformation in medical science, financial frauds brought amazing quantifiable models. The many wars brought a better society altogether. Every evil that man has performed has always resulted in further looking into our selves. We should be greatful to the evils of this world. Without the evil, the goodness is bad enough to be even glanced at.

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