Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Evolution of Toothbrush and Paste

There is one thing about a toothbrush. It never fails to clean our teeth. Even with bad toothpaste. But as toothbrushes have evolved, the human tooth decay has been accentuated. Our ancestors always had a good set of teeth. That was required for their survival. But also, the art of planting paste to a toothbrush is the most daunting task known to mankind. Ever. But even more difficult is the muscle activity involved in moving the little brush over your teeth,standing near the wash basin and then spilling all the poison out of the mouth. If early human would have known this daily ritual, he would have died out of a massive stroke. Anyways, here I am explaining the virtues of tooth polish. Just like shoe cream polishes one's shoes and varnish polishes the furniture and a hair remover polishes off everything else-a toothpaste with a toothbrush polishes your teeth. It also prevents tooth decay, keeps gums healthy and avoids bad breath. But that is for the advertisements to say. With the fit of ads on tooth pastes and brushes, I begin to wonder if the dental trouble is the most important problem before the nation. Even though many doctors suggest brushing, twice daily,I still prefer the ancient way. After dinner or lunch or in their spare time,the ancient way was to sit together huddled, in a corner. Over discussing daily affairs, those people used to use both their hands with all their fingers to progress inside of their respective set of teeth. As these hands entered the mouth, the nails completed rest of the task. The teeth set was spank clean. Dentists were never required

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