Thursday, January 1, 2009

ON Mother Earth

People are getting fatter by the day. This has unleashed forces of unforeseen consequences on our planet. The weight of our Earth is increasing by the day. One of my friend(name witheld on request), has left the parameters of gravitational forces. In fact, his sideways growth has been prominently displayed by the parallel bulge of our planet. I remember, when I was born, I was told;birth brought-only a little feet, few hairs and a small being into this world. We are but an absymal percentage of our twenty year old self(for romantic reasons,I'll stick to 20 years)when we are born. And then, we add weight. So much weight has been added with so many of us being born;the planet has also put on fat. Our Earth is many times heavier than it was before. The planet is like a basketball. But as the ball starts getting fatter, the ball cannot manage to enter the net. The planet is like a football. As it gets heavier, it will never have the energy to travel to the goalpost. The planet is like a cricket ball. One day, it will never bounce or move or turn. The planet is like a laddoo. We eat it, we gobble it, we chew it, we consume it. But there is only one laddoo. A very big Laddoo. And we all have to share it. The planet is like a soap bubble. And soap bubbles evaporate. Just like that. The planet is like a birthday gift, we got as kids. I tore apart the wrapper, hastily; removed the gift. It was a toy sports car. I drove it for a few months. Then it's tyres worn out, it's steering moved out and one day-the engine stopped moving. I forgot about the gift-the car....there was only one car. So I started crying. But, we have only one gift......try saving it........

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