Thursday, January 1, 2009


Love is like diabetes. Not that I like diabetes as a form of disease. Nor would I want anybody to have diabetes. Far from it. But when people suffer from it, their body requires high doses of insulin. To get over it, they have to refrain from taking sugar, in all its forms. They have to basically curtail their sugar consumption. Now love is like that only. Like sugar, the person you love might not entirely be good for you. Not that sugar is bad for you. You just don't have the capacity to absorb, process sugar. Similarly, it is not that the person you love is bad for you. Its just that in the whole scheme of things, you might not be able to justify that person, however sugar dandy-good they might be. So then, a diabetic indeed understands this. So he maintains his sugar consumption and starts to do things that are good for him. Like exercising, like controlling his diet, like avoiding junk food. Even though he might hate it, he has to do it. See, at some stage, the love for one's life far exceeds the desire for sugar. So the person compromises certain aspects of his lifestyle. Thus love is also about loving someone, even though superficially, in the first instance. This might look forceful, but it is not. But, this might start a trajectory of events that are beneficial for the survival, for the goodness of one's own self. Similar to exercising and other activities, this might turn in one's favour. Diabetes is all about trying to do good things with oneself. Loving is all about finding goodness in people. Not that you love diabetes for the change it does to you. But you would love the fact that one starts loving oneself for the change it does it you. Love is where it all started. Love is where it would end.

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