Thursday, January 1, 2009

Space Travelling.....and more burning issues

NASA has spent lot of money, time, energy and even few brains to find if life exists on Mars or some other such planets. Although, I agree that the scientists working there are quite intelligent; they never quite use their brains. So after years of toil they come up with something as simple as a micro-organism and yell like they have discovered the next suprise after candy floss! But I give them where credit is due. Agreed, they have yet to find intelligent specious on Earth. And hence their paid vacations to space makes sense. Like a good Earthly tradition; whenever one goes away from home; one has to carry something on his return journey. So, I reckon they don't have malls or flea markets in outer space. Hence these guys come back with soil samples or some weird data or some such memorabilia. So everybody is happy. Kids back home get to see their pictures in outer space with them floating; carrying their toothbrushes or trying in vain to tie their laces. Anyways, back home in India-people are planning to go to the moon for some such safari. Since terrorists wouldn't allow it & air security concerns, they would be required to abandon carrying any liquid stuff, nail-cutters or any such objects that might threaten space shuttle peace. But, methinks that everything will be fine; what with our railway ministry taking personal interest in all activities that involve mass transit. Space? Mass transit? See, to represent 1 bilion+ people with issues like reservations, state-representation and 'national identity crisis theory of equality in diversity'-mass number of people would be required to be sent. So, start early bookings or travel 'standing'. Don't be suprised if any Indian energy crisis is blamed on so many people travelling in space. But I'm sure we the people would go on moon to make it a happenning place. I'm only worried about the land prices in India nosediving because of the news. With vast spaces of land available in space-who would buy land on our planet! But with regards to NASA; their next journey would not be empty handed. They might catch some space pirates and book them for venturing too far away from Indian borders as most countries successfully do at the seas. Atleast, next time, they would catch hold of some intelligent people in space!

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