Thursday, January 1, 2009


If you can swim in 7 feet of water, you can very well manage 100 feet of water beneath you. Once you eliminate the risk of drowning, the depth ceases to exist anymore. Then, what remains are only waves, undercurrents and the flow of water. But the human mind still thinks only about the depth. Maybe we are functioned to believe so. Try jumping into water from a certain height or from a cliff for that matter. Our whole system reacts negatively to the occassion. Even though, we understand that death is an uncertain occurrence and an outcome inevitable. As we stand there on the edge, our mind becomes the most important stumbling block for our forseable success. The mind plays a game. It allows you to decide for an outcome. To jump or not to jump, to fight or to flight. The best possible way to deal with the situation is to not think at all. To steer our mind completely of any thoughts. To make it blank. This is the stage that spiritualists call enlightenment. This is basically the point where you have nothing more to think. It is also because no matter what you do, the experience has no command over you, once you cross that stage. When you reach that point, just jump. The consequence is pure bliss.

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