Thursday, January 1, 2009

On Celebrations

So the new year has finally arrived. But then,what do expect?After 31st dec 2008;any school kid worth his self-respect will tell you that it's the turn of 1st Jan,2009. Then why do so many people celebrate something which on the face of it is so obvious? People sms, light fire-crackers, dance and drink themselves to glory as if a new chapter has been written on the face of this planet. Next thing one does is to spend a fortune; eating out at overcrowded hotels, walking on moneyed streets and shouting to assume the birth of a significant achievement. Suddenly, the reality dawns on them. The following day is as mundane as one can as yet realize it. Only body aches and hangovers remain. But then, why do we celebrate? Is it to run away from boring work environment, bustling streets, jammed roads, daily overcrowded travelling? Then again we find the same things repeat itself during these festivities. Is it that we love the virul effect of merry faces and joyous moods among people? But it is our birthright to be a little crazy, appear a little madly behaved and enjoy life without the burden of responsibility. If we could throw caution to the winds-this is it. Celebrations is another of our national sport.

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