Thursday, January 1, 2009

The tales of a survivor

Consider yourself very lucky, if you've found this letter. I won't give you my location, for fear of being found. I shall not even divulge my co-ordinates. But one thing is very clear to me-I'm a very happy man. My wife of 2 years left me for good. People like each other for all the wrong reasons. For all you care to know, we fought, I cried. She left, she gained. From not being able to live without each other, we managed to be able to not see each other. Anyways, my plane crashed. I was travelling somewhere over the ocean. Only three of us survived. Two died. They couldn't come to terms with the disaster. Some people can't live with change. For all you care to know, the fear of anonymity killed them. The knowledge that you can't get out of here. Anyways, my first act of survival was a horrid one. Food, shelter, the things we take for granted in the modern world; I had to struggle for them. But, I scrapped through. After the plane wreck, we managed to salvage some tools, books, toothbrush, paper, pen. I never knew such rich usages of a screwdriver. Almost like they could be repatented. For all you care to know, life here is an awakening. I don't have to use the alarm clock, switch on the TV, use all those useless gadgets. W've made them to further complicate our life. I even had to learn writing anew. All those years of typing on the keyboard! Anyways, there are species out here and we live in harmony. There is a rule here, if you care to understand. Never take more than you can give. See, I made myself home here. I was bored of the life in the world where all life is spent in accumulating,possessing and fighting over stupid things. Things that have no significance. And this is paradise. For all you know, remember the ads of these real-estate ventures. They all promised of paradise,luxury and an utopian world. They know nothing. Anyways, I'm not telling you this for any grandeur mission or like some new age guru. I'm feeling sorry for you folks. I'm standing at a vantage point on a high cliff and you all seem drowned-doomed.

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