Thursday, January 1, 2009


Some two thousand years before Christ, few people in England moved huge rocks weighing 40-50 tonnes, carried them over 80 kms and built what is today known as stonehenge. Thereby, they paid their respects to their ancestors. But why do people across geographies,societies,periods do that? Why do they perform immposible looking tasks? Just for the heck of it? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Why do people have to cross the Atlantic, build pyramids, cross the North Pole, climb Mount Everest, traverse the seas and run marathons?? Most academics would agree that such innane activities does no real tangible good to the betterment of society. It is unlike discovering medicines or inventing the computer or even making great insights into science and technology. Then what it is about such insurmountable tasks that inspire people and also motivates a whole generation of others? How do these individuals make hereos out of themself? Maybe because, as humans go, we are one of the only species that can think. And as the human spirit goes, we are definitely mad. By giving such performances, we are making sure that nothing is beyond us,nothing it is that can't be achieved. We are beyond limits,in anything that we do. So, travelling in a hot air baloon around the world gives us pleasure. We know those risks, we know what could be the outcome. Possible death. So what!How beautiful, how amazing! Thats what living is about. Its about dying a hundred deaths to seek pleasure. Pleasure that would ruin us, make us suffer, take our breath away, leave us stranded....Let it be. Life would never come again. Then why should we embrace it to our self. Let it free, let it abandon, get lost, let it wander. In the process, it may inspire a few, surprise a few and bring a whole new discovery among us. A new land, a new space and a new horizon awaits us. Salute the adventuror! Let a life of chance begin!

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